4- Ingredient Mexican Liquid Cooking Cream

When it comes to vegan creamy Mexican products it is no surprise that they are hard to find. In this post I have created my take on a Mexican Media Crema that can easily be adapted to sweet or sour notes.

Where can I use this cream?
I have personally dipped my tamales in it. Another recipe that I have yet to publish is strawberries and cream by simply adding a sweetner of your choice. This cream can be used to elevate any creamy desserts that your family enjoys. Another way you can utilize this sour cream is by making a pasta sauce. It doesn’t have to be a particular one. I have made it as is and dusted some salt and pepper on top and enjoyed it for dinner over some pasta. The possibilities are endless. Lets begin shall we?
4- Ingredient Mexican Liquid Cooking Cream
- High Speed Blender
- 1/2 Tablespoon Lime Juice
- 1 Cup Water
- 1 Cup Soaked Overnight Raw Cashews or you can boil them for 20 minutes
- 1/8 Tablespoon Salt
- Simmer your raw cashews for 20 minutes on your stove or you can soak them overnight in water.
- Once simmered in a blender add the lime juice and 1/2 cup of water along with the salt.
- Blend until you reach a creamy consistency. Remember to start with less water and add more gradually until the cream is as thick or runny depending on your families preference. Cool and refrigerate until you use it. This recipe should make about 2 cups of cream.
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