Chop celery and carrots in even bite sized pieces and prepare them so you have them ready.
Prepare your bread crumbs
Prepare the rest of your ingredients
Sautee Celery, Carrots with 1/4 cup chickpea liquid and Worchestire Sauce for 4 minutes at the most. This step is optional but recommended. Your stove should be at a medium heat.
Mix all of your spices, chickpeas, breadcrumbs in a food processor or with a potato masher. Remember to season with salt and pepper to your preferred state
The mixture should look like this.
Add the mixture from the food processor to your loaf pan and make sure to compact tightly with a spoon or spatula. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 375F.
At the 30 minute mark remove the loaf pan from the oven and give your glaze another mix.
Brush the Chickpea Loaf with the Spicy Ketchup Glaze.
Place back in the oven for 20 minutes more with the glaze so it can caramelize.
Your Chickpea Loaf is ready to serve. I found that it lasts up to a week in the fridge and even tastes better as the days go by.