Place your vegetable in a blender with 1 cup of water or vegetable broth until all the ingredients have dissolved and add salt and pepper to taste. These will be blended then cooked with the meat in step 5.
Open the packages of Impossible Meat
Prepare the potatoes so that they are all cut in equal squares.
Turn the stove on to medium to high heat and place your stock pot. If you are adding oil now is the time. If not wait for the pot to be hot about 2 minutes and add the Impossible Meat and begin cooking rotating every 3 minutes or so until it completely brown. This will take about 10 to 12 minutes
Once the Impossible Meat has browned add the potatoes and mix in with the meat. Add the vegetable mixture from the blender mix to combine cover and simmer for 15 minutes. The broth should barely cover your meat and potato mixture so add more water if you desire a soup like consistency and if not just omit it.
Test one of the potatoes making sure they are fork tender.
Serve with a side of Mexican Rice or on its own. Enjoy with those you love the most.
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